I almost forgot how much I love surfing until I spent the day in Dominical, Costa Rica catching waves in the 86° F water. Dominical is a cool small town where the streets are unpaved and it’s all about the surf. I would have pictures for you but I lost my Go-Pro (no I don’t feel like discussing how, but it was the older model and now I can stop thinking about getting a better

underwater camera for my Micronesia portion of the trip)
Back to the waves, which I will be riding again in a few hours! I wanted to surf this weekend when I was in Playa Hermosa but the waves were too big for me so I opted for watching the surf contest. Every Saturday 4pm at Backyard Bar

and Hotel, in Playa Hermosa (just south of Jaco) puts on a contest where you can enjoy the talents of the best surfers in the country. The beach gets packed and it really is a good time even if you aren’t a surfer.

I like Playa Hermosa much more than Jaco, it is smaller therefore it is more laid back and not as busy. I would highly recommend staying, eating and or surfing at the Backyard. (Disclaimer: I have known the owner since the days when traveling to me was anywhere I could get via my yellow bicycle.) That said I wouldn’t steer you wrong. He does a great job offering fun, clean, comfort and an ocean view with a pool. If you don’t stay there you must pop in for a meal or the weekly surf contest and stay for the fun dance party that starts as soon as the sun goes down. If you go tell Nick I sent you!